Adherence to a strict pre-examination protocol significantly enhances the accuracy of the thermographic evaluation and assures accurate comparative evaluations for serial examinations.
Pre-examination parameters are considered by this program in evaluating the thermographic information. Deviation from the recommended protocol could result in profound and misleading changes in the thermal characteristics of the breast, and should be recorded for maximum accuracy of analytical results.
The following comply with recommended protocol:
1) Patient did not ingest alcohol or caffeine within 24-hours of the examination.
2) Patient is not pregnant, ovulating or experiencing systemic illness.
3) Patient did not smoke cigarettes nor had hot/cold beverages within 2-hours of exam.
4) The exam should not be performed during the follicular phase of patient's
menstrual cycle

(days 6 - 13 after cessation of menses).
5) Serial examinations should always be performed at the same time of day.
6) Thermal equilibration should be conducted for a minimum of ten minutes (preferably 15-minutes)

with the pre-examination and examination room(s) temperature(s) between 68°F - 72°F.